Blog & tips


Increase WordPress memory limit

Reading time: ± 6 min.

In some cases, it is useful to increase your wordpress memory limit. In this case, you need more PHP memory. To achieve this, our WordPress specialists have made a step list for this. But first we are going to give a small explanation about the notification that you can get. What is the memory exhausted error? Does a notification appear on your screen that the 'memory limit' has been reached? If the code on your website uses more memory than is set by default, this message will appear on the screen. Of course you want to solve this problem as...

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WordPress upload max. increase fileize

Reading time: ± 5 min.

The 'upload_max_filesize' error can occur when you are uploading a theme or a plugin, for example. This notification indicates that you have exceeded your upload limit. As a result, it is not possible to install the theme or plugin at that time. The limit will have to be increased in order to still be able to download the theme or plugin. In other words: you have to increase the max filesize upload. What does max. filesize? To increase your limit, it is useful to know what your current limit is. You can find this by logging into WordPress and then...

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Copy page or post in WordPress

Reading time: ± 3 min.

There are few downsides to WordPress, but if we have to mention something, it is, as far as we are concerned, the missing standard function with the ability to copy a page or message. But... fortunately, there are several ways to still manage to duplicate a post or page. In this article you can read why you would like to duplicate and how you can do that. Why duplicate a post or page? Sometimes you want to create a new post or page that is identical to an existing content. When it comes to a long post or page, it...

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iFrames in WordPress

Reading time: ± 6 min.

If you want to show a website within your own website, it is nice if visitors do not have to leave your website. If you leave your website, there is a chance that visitors will not return, and of course you don't want that. By using iFrames in WordPress you can prevent visitors from leaving your website! One technology you can use for this is iFrames. What are iFrames? An iFrame is in fact an 'inline frame' that is used to load an HTML file within a web page. Actually, an iFrame is a screen on your website that shows...

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How do WordPress plugins work?

Reading time: ± 4 min.

Are you curious about how WordPress plugins work? The operation of these plugins can be called both simple and complex. As a user, the operation is simple, but the underlying technology is quite complex. In this article we would therefore like to give a detailed answer to the question 'How do WordPress plugins work?'. WordPress plugins If you have a WordPress website, you can't really ignore the plugins. With plugins you add functionalities to your website, make your website safer and make managing your website easier for yourself. Tip: do not unnecessarily install many WordPress plugins on your website. The...

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Guide: How to use DirectAdmin

Reading time: ± 4 min.

How should you use DirectAdmin? What should you take into account when using DirectAdmin? What should you not change in DirectAdmin? And how can you log in to DirectAdmin? In this article we answer all these questions. With these answers you are able to use DirectAdmin the right way! What is DirectAdmin? To put a website online, you need two things: a domain name and hosting. After you have chosen a hosting provider, you automatically get access to a panel. This is a panel with which you can adjust all kinds of things behind the scenes. Many hosting companies opt...

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Customize WordPress menu

Reading time: ± 4 min.

One of the most important parts of a website is the menu. You can customize this menu entirely to your liking from the backend of WordPress. But, how do you do this? What do you need to consider? And what are the best tips for customizing a WordPress menu? We are happy to give a comprehensive answer to these questions in this article. Why customize a WordPress menu? There are several reasons why it is advisable to customize your WordPress menu: If you want to make your website more user-friendly: by putting together a perfect menu, you make navigating for...

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Using postal code API for WooCommerce webshop

Reading time: ± 4 min.

Do you want to use a postal code API for WooCommerce? Logical. With such an API you enjoy many advantages, a lot of convenience and many possibilities. But, how can you use a postal code API for WooCommerce? We are happy to give you the answer to this question in this article. Why should you use a postal code API for your WooCommerce webshop? Because with such an API you make it a lot easier for your visitors / customers. Through such an API, the street + the house number is immediately filled in at checkout. This means that your...

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Using hotjar in your WordPress website

Reading time: ± 4 min.

Are you optimizing your website? Then you have to focus on your visitors, but what exactly do the visitors do on your website? You won't know that until you use Hotjar. With Hotjar you are able to create a heatmap of your website; you can see exactly where visitors do and do not click. Especially in the past year Hotjar has become very popular. This is mainly because more and more marketers are trying to respond to the brains of the visitors. But, what exactly does this brain do? What exactly does the brain think? And what are the actions...

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Automate with Zapier

Reading time: ± 4 min.

Automation is the way to go. With zapier's plugin you are able to largely automate your WordPress website. With this plugin you can link multiple systems to each other, so that they can work automatically. That sounds ideal, doesn't it? In this article you can read everything about automating with Zapier. A few years ago Zapier was first launched on the market. At the time, this was a tool with which you could link different apps together. It soon became clear that there was a lot of demand for this, which is why Zapier has grown rapidly. Very rapidly, in...

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Create UTM Codes

Reading time: ± 4 min.

Would you like to measure the results of your marketing campaigns? If you have a WordPress website, it is advisable to use UTM codes. Fortunately, creating and deploying UTM codes is not higher mathematics, thanks to the step-by-step plan in this article. Before we discuss how to create UTM codes, let's take a look at these codes. Because, what exactly are UTM codes? You can actually think of this as a short tag that you place at the end of a URL. The moment someone clicks on this URL, the relevant tag is forwarded to Google Analytics. You can then...

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Run paid ads for your WordPress website

Reading time: ± 5 min.

Run paid ads for your WordPress website; convenient or not? Yes, absolutely. By placing advertisements online in the right way, you attract more and more visitors to your website. There is a good chance that you will create the desired growth of your website / company. Could it also go wrong with paid ads for your WordPress website? Yes, absolutely. If you use these ads the wrong way, these ads can grow into a bottomless pit. A pit in which you keep putting money, without eventually earning money with it. Therefore, let yourself be guided by a specialist, if you...

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Top WordPress SEO Plugins

Reading time: ± 5 min.

As a website owner, it is important to get started with SEO. This allows you to optimize your website, so that your website ends up higher in Google. For this optimization, it is best to choose from one of the following three plugins: Yoast SEO, The SEO Framework or SEOPress. Is it advisable to specifically use a WordPress SEO plugin? That depends somewhat on your own level of knowledge. Does WordPress no longer have any secrets for you? And do you know exactly how to optimize a website? Then you would be wise to get started with SEO yourself. However,...

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GZIP and Brotli website compression: The differences

Reading time: ± 4 min.

For website compression you can choose several methods. Two of these methods, GZIP and Brotli, have become the market leader in the world of compression. But, what are the differences between these methods? And what is the best method for you? Below you will find all information about both GZIP and Brotli. Why choose website compression? If your website isn't too fast at the moment, you should get started with this in a targeted way. If your website is not fast enough, this will be at the expense of your number of visitors. This is also severely punished by Google's...

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Google Ranking Factor: CLS

Reading time: ± 4 min.

The Cumulative Layout Shift is a ranking factor that Google attaches more and more value to. This factor indicates how often the content on your website shifts, for example while scrolling. In an ideal world, the content should be completely 'still'. If this is not the case on your website, this is detrimental to the Cumulative Layout Shift of your website. And therefore for the ranking of your website. CLS: Cumulative Layout Shift In 2021, Google suddenly came up with a revolutionary tool; Core Web Vitals. This is a group of factors that influence the page experience of your website....

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Keep this factor in mind on your website: FID

Reading time: ± 4 min.

FID, or First Input Delay, is an important factor on your website. By reducing this input delay as much as possible, you make surfing on your website a lot more pleasant. The First Input Delay indicates how quickly your website responds to the visitor's input. Fortunately, there are several ways to improve the FID on your website. FID: First Input Delay This factor looks at the interaction between the page and the visitor in a critical way. For example, what happens if the visitor clicks on a menu item? What happens if, for example, the visitor clicks on a product?...

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What is Google’s Core Web Vitals?

Reading time: ± 5 min.

Google's Core Web Vitals is a relatively new tool. With this tool it is possible to measure the page experience of your website. Unique, since the page experience is normally difficult to measure. The page experience is crucial, which makes the Core Web Vitals indispensable right now. What are the factors that make up the 'Vitals'? When Google came up with this unique tool in 2021, they didn't really know what to expect from it. The page experience was previously difficult to measure and understand, but that has now changed. With the Core Web Vitals from Google it is possible...

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Review: Wordfence Security plugin

Reading time: ± 5 min.

Securing your WordPress website is done with a good plugin. One of the best plugins at the moment is the Wordfence Security plugin. This plugin protects your website 24/7, is easy to set up as desired and has been downloaded very often. Moreover, with this handy plugin you can choose from several variants. On the website of you can read the following: more than 4 million active installations. The fact that this plugin has so many installations is telling in our opinion. Telling for the many benefits and possibilities of Wordfence. Securing a WordPress website In recent years, cybercrime...

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Sliders on your WordPress website

Reading time: ± 5 min.

To make your website more attractive, the advice is to add images. You can add these images in an ideal way with a slider plugin. With a slider plugin you make your website more attractive, visually stronger and more attractive. It is also true that the best slider plugins offer many more possibilities. Is the use of sliders useful? In our eyes, it is certainly useful to use sliders. As we have already stated above, you make your website a lot more attractive with this. This is best explained by a well-known saying: photos say more than words. By processing...

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Grow your website with link building

Reading time: ± 5 min.

With link building you work on the authority of your website in a targeted way. Link building is therefore incredibly important for every website and for every webshop. The most important thing here is that you do not focus on quantity, but on quality. All backlinks must be placed on valuable and relevant websites. If you want to grow with your website, you should get started with SEO. In Search Engine Optimization, a distinction can be made between three pillars: Content: In view of search engine optimization, you should place the best content on your website. This content must be...

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WordPress code snippets

Reading time: ± 6 min.

WordPress code snippets are small pieces of code that you can place in the source code of your website. Thanks to this code, you can add extra functions and possibilities to your website. An important advantage is that you do not need an extra plugin for this, but only a piece of source code. If you are interested in code snippets, you need to know what you are doing. For example, if you have no experience with PHP, it is advisable not to work with this code independently. By the way, you can make the changes in the functions.php file....

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