
WordPress upload max. increase fileize

Afbeelding WordPress upload max. increase fileize

The ‘upload_max_filesize’ error can occur when you are uploading a theme or a plugin, for example. This notification indicates that you have exceeded your upload limit. As a result, it is not possible to install the theme or plugin at that time. The limit will have to be increased in order to still be able to download the theme or plugin. In other words: you have to increase the max filesize upload.

What does max. filesize?

To increase your limit, it is useful to know what your current limit is. You can find this by logging into WordPress and then going to Media > New file . At the bottom of this page you will find a line with text in which you can find what the current upload_max_filesize is that you can have at your disposal. Often this is 64MB, this is normally enough to download images, plugins and themes. If it is lower, or you want to download larger files, you have to adjust this data limit.

How max. increase fileize limit?

There are several ways to increase the max. filesize limit. Below, our WordPress specialists have described five ways that you can also apply. If you do not have time for this, please contact our specialists. We do this and many other things for free within our WordPress maintenance packages.

  1. Increasing the limit via FTP

    One way to increase this limit is to add a code to your .htaccess file. You can do this by logging in as FTP on your server or hosting package. Add the following code to this file:

    1.php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
    2.php_value post_max_size 64M
    3.php_value max_execution_time 300
    4.php_value max_input_time 300

    It may not be possible to add these codes to this file yourself. In this case, there is a security on it so that only the service provider can do this. Contact your service provider about this and indicate that you want a higher data limit. They can adjust this for you.

  2. Increase the limit via wp-config.php

    You can also choose to add a code to the wp-config.php file. You log in as FTP and look up this file. You then add the following code to this file:

    1. @ini_set( ‘upload_max_size’, ‘100M’);

    Also with this method, it may not work, because the service provider does not allow it. Contact the provider about this if you want them to do this.

  3. Increase the limit via php.ini

    You can also increase your data limit in the php.ini file. log in as FTP and go to the php.ini file. Here you can enter the following code in the root of your website:

    1. upload_max_filesize = 64M
    2. post_max_size = 64M
    3.max_execution_time = 300

    If the php.ini file does not yet exist, create it. Then add this code above to be able to increase the limit. If this is not possible because there is security on it, contact your service provider. They can then do this for you.

  4. Increasing the limit via functions.php

    Adding a code to the functions.php file is also possible. Go to this file and add the following code:

    1. @ini_set( ‘upload_max_size’, ’64M’);
    2. @ini_set( ‘post_max_size’, ’64M’);
    3. @ini_set( ‘max_execution_time’, ‘300’);

    This file belongs to the theme you have activated at that moment.

  5. Increase limit by using a plugin

    You can also use a plugin like Increase Max Upload Filesize. This plugin guides you through the steps, allowing you to quickly increase your limit. It is not wise to install a plugin for everything. After all, you also have to update these plugins regularly and they take up space on your server. This causes your database to become slower and slower.

    This can lead to delays on your website, causing visitors to drop out. Google will also rank you lower in the search results. So think carefully before you install a plugin to solve such problems. Also pay attention to WordPress SEO.

Invest by outsourcing

Outsourcing maintenance to your WordPress website is an investment. For entrepreneurs it is attractive to do certain activities themselves, yet this can be done in practice, at a normal level of knowledge without training, but to a certain extent. At a certain point, as an entrepreneur, you will lack knowledge and experience to be able to perform proper maintenance and solve problems.

outsourcing your website

Specialist maintenance on WordPress

WordPress Maintenance is a company that specializes in maintaining WordPress. It takes away the concerns of companies and allows entrepreneurs to focus on their core activities. By performing structured maintenance, your website always runs safely and your customers can always go to your website. The turnover is guaranteed and employees who work on the site can always continue. This gives you as an entrepreneur peace and space to develop new ideas.

Optimize your website

In addition to performing maintenance, WordPress Maintenance can also advise on changing the functionality of the website. We advise and apply WordPress optimization for a smarter and better design of your website. In addition, with WordPress SEO we immediately look at how you can get more customers and sell more. This makes outsourcing a great investment that you will not regret!

Contact us

Are you ready to reach the top in Google? Don’t wait any longer to outsource and look at our WordPress maintenance packages. Do you want to know what we can do for you? Get in touch. You can reach us by starting the chat or call us at 030 20 72 488.

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