
WordPress Reports

Group 12

Curious about what's happening on your website? Receive a periodic report on, for example, visitor numbers, loading time, open updates, any unreachable pages and all other technical facts in your mailbox.

  • Insight into various figures and what is happening on your website
  • Trust is good, control is better, also get insight into our work
  • Choice of weekly or monthly reporting

  • Secure, fast and up-to-date
  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Support by specialists
WordPress Reports

Understand what your WordPress website does

After you have invested a lot of time and money in building your WordPress website, you naturally also want results win. And unfortunately, that does not happen automatically. That’s why it’s nice to have insight get into what your website does. Consider, for example, insight into the number of visitors per month. Or insight into which channels your potential customers come through and on which device your website is visited the most. Or how much you convert through the campaigns. These insights can help you on your way again help so that you can continue to grow with your company.

Outsourcing reports

Of course you can check the statistics of your website yourself once in a while, but it is not always easy to interpret all the data properly. For example, not everyone is equally handy with Google Analytics, which is completely understandable. Because do you know what concepts such as click through rate, bounce rate and conversion mean exactly? These are important terms that say a lot about your website and its design. So it’s a shame not to do anything with this!

Insight and overview

You need to maintain a WordPress website. The fact that you do not receive any requests or orders does not have to be due to your offer, it is also possible that certain functionalities on your website do not do it or that your offer does not fit well with your target group. These statistics can’t be found in one place, which is why we bundle all of them information to one report. Insight and overview, the key to success!

In addition to reports, our WordPress packages contain numerous other benefits. Do you need advice about your WordPress website and its maintenance? Please contact us for the possibilities. Start a live chat or call us on 030 20 72 488.

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