WordPress Security
If you manage your own website, getting hacked is one of your worst nightmares. Yet few people are working on the security of their WordPress website. It is often thought that the only happens to other people. If you turn out to have been hacked then the harm has already been done and you are too late. So be wise and save yourself all this misery.
Hackers are not looking for the most popular websites with the most traffic, but for websites with security holes. Hackers love websites with weak passwords, websites that run on outdated versions of WordPress, themes or plugins. There are several reasons for hackers to do their job. For example, they can use your website to redirect your visitors to other websites with which they earn money, or they use your website to send spam mail via your server.
Protected against hackers
How can you prevent a hack on your WordPress website? In any case, take steps that are possible in the CMS of WordPress itself: install a security plugin and set it up properly. Then change your username and password. A username with ‘admin’ is vulnerable, because it is already used by many other WordPress users. Also, choose a strong password with different letters, numbers, and other characters. Then remove all inactive plugins and themes and make sure you always make the latest updates. Updates contain important security fixes that close leaks. Do you find it all rather complicated or do you not know how to secure your website at server level? Don’t leave it at that and outsource the total security of your website to us! We are specialized in making websites hack-free, but also in keeping your WordPress website.