
Difference: WordPress and Joomla

Afbeelding Difference: WordPress and Joomla

If you want to set up a new website with a Content Management System, you will soon find yourself in a split between WordPress and Joomla. Both CMS systems are extremely popular and all have their own preferences. But: which one ultimately suits you, your website and the wishes you have for this website? We list all the advantages of WordPress and Joomla clearly for you, so that you can choose more easily and quickly get started with your dream website!

WordPress and Joomla: the differences

The benefits of WordPress

WordPress is characterized from the beginning as a website on which you can mainly blog easily. Other and lighter websites are also extremely suitable for shaping via WordPress. You can develop it quickly and therefore launch it quickly.

That speed is certainly related to the convenience of the platform. You are on your way in no time because all functions are logically and clearly arranged. There are also not too many functions, so you quickly lose the wear. This provides a handy overview while building your website.

You can design your new website yourself from a blank web page, but with WordPress you can also easily use a preset theme. You can take over this theme immediately, which immediately makes your website look a lot hipper. Then you only have to provide the pages with your information and you are ready pretty quickly.

With plugins you can easily make your website even better. Think, for example, of a popup plugin or a forum plugin. WordPress is known for the wide range of these plugins, namely more than 12,000 different ones!

For the builders who like to rank high in Google, WordPress offers a user-friendly SEO menu. Here you can quickly tinker with important elements such as the URL of the page, without having to set up much.

The benefits of Joomla

Where WordPress is mainly known for the simpler websites, with Joomla you can easily build more demanding websites. Yet you can not build too complicated websites on this platform, but that is also not the purpose of a CMS. Building a website is also extremely easy because the interface is also conveniently set up here. Developing the entire page takes a bit longer than with WordPress. Often this is because these websites get a few extra features that are not available on WordPress.

Joomla offers you a number of standard templates to help you quickly get started with the layout and design of your website. They have, in their own words, been developed to be as versatile as possible. This means that you can easily customize these templates to make them fit your website.

There are not as many as with WordPress, but also with Joomla you can easily enrich your website with all kinds of plugins. You can still choose from more than 6,000 different ones. A big advantage is that there is the possibility to use your own plugins to expand your website.

Joomla is also very focused on making scoring via SEO easy. This process works effectively, but is sometimes a bit more difficult than the settings of WordPress.


WordPress and Joomla are both strong in their own way. Which of the two suits you best, therefore, depends entirely on which way you want to go with your website and what you as a user attach great value to. For simple websites that are extremely SEO-friendly, for example, you really have to be with WordPress. Websites that can be designed a little more with versatile templates come from the stable of Joomla. Which one do you choose?

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