Last year, the new Privacy Act (AVG) went into effect. With the entry into force of this law, the same privacy rules now apply across Europe. These rules regarding personal data also apply to owners of WordPress websites. For example, if you use Google Analytics or you have a contact form on your website, you are already affected by this law. And it concerns not only you as the user / owner of the website, but also other parties who have access to your website and thus to personal data.
In this blog, we’d like to explain what you need to comply with to avoid violating this privacy law. Because with fines of up to 20 million Euros, you obviously don’t want to take any chances! We have a lot of knowledge on this subject and know how to make your WordPress website AVG-proof.
Personal data collected on your WordPress website
For example, the moment contact forms are filled out on your website we are already talking about personal data obtained. What is entered here is often general information such as a name, address, zip code and email address. This also usually involves registering an IP address. This also applies to the GPS location.
General personal data
In addition to the general personal information, we also know the additional privacy-sensitive information. This is a heavier category of personal data where you have to think about medical information, BSN number, race, sexual orientation and religion. Companies, by the way, do not hold personal data. Therefore, this data is not covered by this Privacy Act.
Rights from a person
Until last year, it seemed like anyone could do anything with people’s personal information. This had to end and that is why this law was created. Actually, the legislator has reversed the previous situation; the person must now give prior consent to a company to use personal data. So it has a preventive nature.
What will this mean?
In practice, this means that as a company you must indicate that you work with cookies and ask whether a person (visitor to your website) agrees to this. Nothing should be triggered automatically anymore, for example, that every visitor to your website automatically gets the newsletter in his or her mailbox every month. Also, if a person decides that he or she wants to be unsubscribed from your customer base, this should be followed up on immediately. Likewise, if a person decides that after a few months they suddenly don’t want to receive cookies from your website, then this should also be regulated so that it doesn’t happen again. This is also true if a person as a whole no longer wants to appear in a file you once created. For example, a customer record or a record of individuals who participated in completing a questionnaire.
Provide data
Another thing to keep in mind is that a person can request his or her information from you that you have collected about them. This is a right that a person, based on this law, can exercise. You are not allowed to charge a fee for this as a company, also you must provide this person with this information in a legible manner. For example, in a Word or Excel file.
Strict law with high fines
On the moment you start using a WordPress website, or you already have one in use, make sure you meet the requirements on personal data area. If you are checked and you do not comply meet the requirements, you could be fined as much as 4% of your annual sales. Even fines of as much as 20 million Euros can be handed out. Incidentally, this law applies to every company and organization, no matter how small or big your business is. It is therefore a misconception that only the entire large companies are monitored on this, small companies are also checked regularly.
Plugins that make your WordPress website AVG proof
It is wise not to take any risks when it comes to personal data. The AVG law is strict and clear, also they do not hesitate to hand out hefty fines. So time to get it right! We are happy to guide you through this process to ensure a WordPress website that is AVG proof. There are several plugins available that will make your WordPress website comply with the rules resulting from this new privacy law.
Privacy Policy Genius
Policy Genius is zo’n plugin die het gemakkelijk maakt om jouw AVG beleid eenvoudig en zichtbaar te maken op jouw WordPress website. Het opstellen van een het AVG-beleid voor jouw website kan erg ingewikkeld en tijdrovend zijn. Deze plugin loodst je er via een aantal stappen doorheen en als alles afgerond is, heb jij jouw privacy beleid op orde. Door hier op verschillende plekken op de website naar te verwijzen kunnen personen dus duidelijk zien welke beleidsregels jij erop na houdt op het gebied van persoonsgegevens.
De plugin is alleen nog niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.
Delete Me
Delete Me is ook een plugin die je in het kader van de nieuwe wetgeving goed kunt gebruiken. Met dit stukje software geef je personen zelf de gelegenheid om hun eigen gegevens te verwijderen op jouw website. Dit kunnen reacties zijn op blogs of bijvoorbeeld berichten die ze naar jouw site hebben gestuurd. Hiermee kunnen personen die hier gebruik van willen maken dit direct zelf doen en zien wat ze zelf verwijderen.
De plugin is alleen nog niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.
Need help? Get in touch!
If you don’t succeed in making your website AVG-proof or simply don’t have the time for it? We will make your website AVG-proof when you purchase the Premium Maintenance Package. You can compare our maintenance packages here. Our WordPress specialists are already waiting for you.