
Google Shopping data feed in WordPress

Afbeelding Google Shopping data feed in WordPress

When you offer various products on your own WordPress website, you naturally want your products to come to the attention of as many people as possible. You can easily pull this off by using a Google Shopping data feed. This makes your products appear on various platforms of Google, where countless people can see these products. In this article you’ll read how to create your own Google Shopping data feed. You’ll also read how to add this data to your own WordPress website to let your customers know about your products instantly.

Reach your customers by adding a Google Shopping data feed to your website

Countless people use Google as a search engine to look up information about a desired product they want to buy. When you search for a particular product here, you will be shown a number of places in Google Shopping that offer this product. It is also possible to add a Google Shopping data feed to your own WordPress website. This is an excellent way to get your products to the attention of potential customers. Below you can read the steps you need to follow to add a Google Shopping data feed to your WordPress website.

Step 1: Log in to your own WordPress website

Before you can add the Google Shopping data feed to your WordPress website, you must first log in here. Therefore, log in to WordPress with the corresponding details of the website where you want to place the Google Shopping data feed. When you have successfully logged in you will be taken directly to the WordPress Dashboard of your website.

Step 2: Select the option to add a new plug-in

To add a Google Shopping data feed, you need to use the plug-in called Woo Feed. To add this plugin to your WordPress website, select the “Plugin” option from the left menu on your WordPress Dashboard. Here you can then choose the option “New plug-in”, so you can add the Woo Feed plug-in.

Step 3: Download and install the Woo Feed plugin

Now that you have chosen to add a new plug-in, you can look for the Woo Feed plug-in. You can do this easily by entering “Woo Feed” in the search bar at the top right. Of course, several plug-ins will appear. The plugin you need for adding a Google Shopping data feed is called “WooCommerce Product Feed for Google, Bing, eBay and Many More”. When you have found it click on the “Install Now” button and the plug-in will be installed.

Step 4: Choose to create your own Google Shopping data feed

Once you have successfully installed the Woo Feed plugin it will appear in the left menu on your WordPress Dashboard and you can create your first Google Shopping data feed. To do this, select the Woo Feed option and then click on the “Make Feed” option.

Step 5: Set the settings of your Google Shopping data feed

Now that you’ve created your Google Shopping data feed, it’s time to get all the settings right the way you want them. You are on the “Content Settings” tab where there are a number of fields listed below. In the first field called “Template” choose the option “Google Shopping”. In the second field called “File name” you can enter a custom name for your Google Shopping data feed. Finally, for the last field called “Feed Type” choose the option “XML”.

Step 6: Make final changes to your Google Shopping data feed

In this final step, you make the final changes to your Google Shopping data feed. The changes you need to make are:

  • In the column called “Value” you need to change the top field from “Product Id” to “SKU”.
  • In the column called “Value” fill in the empty field a relevant category that fits the products you offer.
  • In the “Google Attribute” column, remove the “MPN” line.
  • Click the “Add New Atrribute” button on the bottom left and add the “Sale Price”, “GTIN” and “Identifier Exist” lines.

The best plugins for Google Shopping data feeds

Woo Feed is not the only plugin you can use for adding a Google Shopping data feed to your WordPress website. Below you will read about three commonly used plugins for adding a Google Shopping data feed.

  • Google Product Feed is a plug-in that allows you to create a Google Shopping data feed that is constantly updated with all the products you offer. In addition, the Google Product Feed plugin includes several features to customize your Google Shopping data feed with various designs, so you can make it fit into your website’s theme.
  • AdTribes Product Feed Manager is a plug-in suitable for any business, regardless of what kind of products you offer. The choice is entirely up to you which products you want to display in your Google Shopping data feed and in which category you want to display it. In addition, it is also possible to post your Shopping data feed on platforms other than Google such as Facebook. Finally, you can also use the Google Analytics feature to track how well your Shopping data feed(s) are doing.

ELEX WooCommerce Google Product Feed Plugin is a free plug-in, to quickly and easily upload your desired products into a Google Shopping data feed. This plug-in provides a unique URL for your Google Shopping data feed so you can update it regularly. In addition, you can divide all your products into corresponding categories so that you can eventually create a neat overview of this.

Also, read how to manage and customize your Google My Business in this blog article of ours.

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