
Create beautiful contact page in WordPress

Afbeelding Create beautiful contact page in WordPress

On your WordPress website you will have different pages. For example, most websites also have a contact page. Contact details of the owner of the website are usually mentioned here. This page is therefore not entirely unimportant because customers come here to make contact with you. It is therefore important to create a nice contact page. However, many websites do not pay as much attention to the WordPress contact page. Here you can read all about it.

Get inspired

To create an original and beautiful contact page, you first want to get some inspiration. For example, you can look at other websites. You can extract elements from different websites that you like and that fit well with your website. You’ll find that a WordPress contact page is usually fairly simple. This is very important. You don’t want to distract customers too much, but rather make sure that they contact you. A clear WordPress contact page is therefore important.

However, the contact page doesn’t have to be boring. To create a beautiful contact page, you can, for example, add the theme of the rest of the website. For example, also remember to add a photo of yourself. There are plenty of ways to create a beautiful contact page.

Make sure that the most important information is the most prominent on your contact page. You don’t want visitors to have to scroll first to find your information. Do you want to add extra decoration, such as a few nice photos? Do this at the bottom of the page so that visitors are not distracted by this.

Add important elements

What information is important on a WordPress contact page? It is important that visitors immediately find the right contact details. You will definitely want to mention the following elements on your contact page:

  • Your name
  • Telephone number
  • Email
  • Physical address (for example, if you have an office or shop).

There is also data that applies in some cases, such as links to social media channels and links to other websites of yours. On your contact page you can also mention opening hours or times in which you are available.

To make it as easy as possible for your visitors, you can also make certain links clickable. This allows visitors to click directly on a link and they do not have to copy it first. You can also do this with your phone number or email address. You do this using the codes ‘tel:’ and ‘mailto:’. When visitors click on this, they will immediately be able to call or send an email. This makes your WordPress contact page immediately a lot more accessible.


Creating a beautiful contact page on WordPress is not difficult at all! You can brighten up the contact page in different ways; for example, by using a nice theme. However, the most important thing about a contact page is that all information can be found clearly on it. So check that all contact details are on it and that they are prominent enough!

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