
What is a backend developer?

Afbeelding What is a backend developer?

A backend developer deals with the back of a website, app or program. A backend developer is also called a back-end developer or a back-end programmer. They ensure that the back of a website, which is not visible to visitors, works properly. In order for visitors to ultimately have a pleasant experience at the front, the back of the application must first be in good order. This is what a backend developer is doing.

What is the meaning of backend?

Backend refers to the part that is not visible to visitors or users of an application. Often this takes place on the dashboard or a management page behind a website. Through such a login system, administrators can adjust various parts of the website. The backend environment supports and facilitates the frontend of the website.

The backend of a website consists of three different parts. These are the database, the server and the application itself. Here’s how it works. The application or website gets its data from the frontend. These are stored on a database. Such a database is a large collection of all kinds of data that runs on a server. The server can later release the data requested by the application.

Backend processes

Multiple processes can take place in the backend. Examples are registering new customers or visitors, uploading new images, videos or other files and finally reading news items.

The domain of backend developers is very broad. That is why we also work with multiple programming languages. Some examples are Python, PHP, ColdFusion, Ruby, ASP.NET or Delphi.

Programming an entire website is often no longer necessary. Through Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and Magento it is easier to make changes to a website. This no longer requires extensive knowledge about programming languages.

A backend also consists of a framework. This framework determines which code is written. Certain guidelines have been developed for this, which are linked to the tools that a backend developer can use within the framework. Examples include Swing, CakePHP and Symfony2.

What is the difference with frontend?

Backend is therefore mainly concerned with underlying processes on the website. The frontend of a website is precisely everything that can be seen by the visitors. This is about the design, appearance and functionality of the website. However, both parts fit together and complement each other well. The functions that someone can use on the front end are programmed in the backend.

What exactly does a backend developer do?

A backend developer can be active in many different areas. What exactly they are concerned with depends mainly on their specialization and interest. About
in general, backend developers can deal with the following components:

  • Developing new applications for webshops, websites and apps
  • Improving existing applications
  • Converting the wishes of a client into functional applications
  • Working with frontend developers to make the code perfectly match what should be visible on the front of the website.

How do you become a backend developer?

To become a backend developer, you must have completed at least a training within the field of ICT. Your study is preferably at hbo or wo level, although practical experience nowadays also weighs more heavily during an application. It is mainly about having demonstrable knowledge and experience with such work and with specific programming languages. Sample studies you can follow are:

  • Business informatics (only on hbo)
  • Computer Science (wo only)
  • Informatics / Technical Informatics (both at hbo and wo)

Where can I find a backend developer?

As broad as the work of a backend developer can be, so are their workplaces. They can work at virtually any organization, as virtually every organization today offers its own form of website, application, or program. Backend developers often work together with other programmers, but also with other digital specialists. By ensuring that all activities are properly connected to each other, an application works best.

Backend developers often become permanent employees at a company, although there are also developers who choose to work freelance. They often take on smaller and one-off assignments from different employers. Backend developers in permanent employment develop entire applications for a specific company. Are you immediately looking for help from a backend developer from a digital agency? Please contact us, we can help you. This can also be done via live chat, e-mail or call us on 030 20 72 488.

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